A computer program written in English language by a Greek showing a Cuban song's Spanish lyrics in a Japanese translated User Interface. Globalization or what?
Thanks everyone who helped in this release
Release Highlights+ Virtual Track Collections. Add YouTube links as 'Virtual' Files in your collection. You may also import/export these files as 'xlc xml link collection files'
+ New actiion logger
+ Easy Drag Drop tagging in tree view
+ Web Services. Quick Search in Google - YouTube - Wikipedia (add yours in the services.xml) for artists / albums / tracks.
* New 'Tango' compatible icons
* Many bug fixes and visual enhancements
Detailed Change Log since v0.91(a)
+ Import/Export added for Virtual Track Collections
* GUI enhancments in History Dialog / Collections Dialog
* Better UI drag-drop support
* Minor changes in the Information GUI
* Some more untranslatable strings were corrected
* Changes to support better the new "Japanese" translation (you need to "install files for East Asian Languages" (Control Panel/Regional/Languages) to see this)
* A new photo in the "Empty Database" Dialog
* Update single collection is working again
* BugFixed 2 cases where TS/C could crash in "Update Collections"
+ Testing Implementation of virtual tracks (eg YouTube videos added by right clicking on artists)
* Artist Picture show when album picture is not available
* Quicker code in Playlist additions
* Added ctrl+A (Select All) & ctrl+I (Invert Selection)
* Fix on filenames with '%'. (on collection update)
* Changes in the look of some Properties windows
+ See the most serious program actions (Warnings-File Operations-Downloads), using the application log. (DblClick in status bar)
* Tagging support for filnames in Unicode fixed
* Edition of Artist Name have been removed from Album Properties (Confusing for the user)
* BugFix in "only one-instance" code
* Fixed the behaviour of many search queries (Rewritten some code)
+ Drop implemented in Tree View (Tag tracks if tagging is enabled)
* m4a basic support added (can be added in the db through the filename parser)
* Correction for international characters in lyrics downloading
* BugFix in a strange effect in playList (black bars). Also Active Track correctly stays visible
* Locate Items In Collection/Artists Mode
* BugFix in Locate Track while quick searching
* BugFix in writting id3v2 comments/lyrics/TrackNumbers
* BugFix when tagging International characters (at least Greek) (This was serious)
* Improved the way of reading/writing tags. There should be a lot of performance increase in these operations
* Added icons in services
* FreeCoversDownloading is working again. Not the best quality though (about 400x400)###Update### the site changed again ==> stopped working)
* Grouping of artists now works only in Artists/Albums mode (BugFix)
* Play/Pause Icon now changes correctly (BugFix)
* XML Parser changed
+ Added Web Services (Google - YouTube - Wikipedia more if you modify the services.xml).
You can find these services in the 'services' submenu of the context menu in TreeView/ListView
* Fixed Bug when dropping a folder in the Player List (BugFix)
* TS will not affect "Wave Volume" anymore
* Quicksearch now has a delay for keystrokes
* Quicksearch now searches for Path also (BugFix)
* New Icons based on Tango
* 'folder' added to the album picture finder