May 23, 2007

0.92a screenshots

Some Conium (TS) screenshots just after i finished the "Captioned Panes" feature.

The captions over the panes are changing through time showing various info like playlist mode, tree mode, auto continue mode etc.

just the playlist and the visualization / video

a clean view without visualizations / information

I was getting bored with the same GUI all the time. Check also that the player controls have been moved down over the status bar (and an explicit Pause button has been added).
Other Developments that are ready.
A new Ultra rich menu in player.

..featuring some autocontinue modes / Insert Random Tracks (using criteria) / Insert m3u at position and more.
There is also an option to synchronize the Information Control (Review-Bio-Lyrics) with the Player.
Also LastFM artist (AMG Successor) info are ready / an improved version of the google lyrics plugin.
Also the external plugin support is finished.


April 10, 2007

Cease and Desist Order

Dear Mr. Oikonomou:
Please find attached an order of Cease and Desist requiring you to stop incorporating the copyright protected AMG Data into your software Teen Spirit.
This notice has been sent by email and post.
Lisa Powell
Lisa E. Powell
All Media Guide, LLC
1168 Oak Valley Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

March 14, 2007

20 more hours and a hotfix

xc-se revealed a bug in track edition. In certain cases (when you add a track before you update one!!!) it could completely disable track editing (even ratings)
This bug, was introduced in one of "those" optimizations in 0.91b.
Anyway it is fixed now..
Latest changelog for 0.91b (hotfix)
(130307)* AMG Info now correctly translating in Western European code page (not to the system default)
(130307)* BugFix. Track Edit was disabled in certain cases
(130307)* 00:00 duration will not be visible anymore
(130307)* Bugfix illegal rating warning appearance

as always you may download from

March 13, 2007

TS/C development suspended

... but not for long.
I ll be travelling in Montreal and Cuba for at least the next 3 weeks.
See you around guys

P.S I hope i haven't screwed anything in the latest release.


Maybe there is a little confusion about the version numbers in this project. Well it can get even worse. The project name may change in the next version. :)
Anyway I ve decided to have an "emule" like versioning. So there were 0.91(a) later (now) 0.91b and maybe in the future 0.91c (if there are any serious bugs) before the next serious upgrade 0.92a.
I m planning the plugin architecture for this version and also some user interface gui customization options (not exactly skins) and of course various smaller fixes/updates etc

0.91b is out

A computer program written in English language by a Greek showing a Cuban song's Spanish lyrics in a Japanese translated User Interface. Globalization or what?

Thanks everyone who helped in this release

Release Highlights

+ Virtual Track Collections. Add YouTube links as 'Virtual' Files in your collection. You may also import/export these files as 'xlc xml link collection files'
+ New actiion logger
+ Easy Drag Drop tagging in tree view
+ Web Services. Quick Search in Google - YouTube - Wikipedia (add yours in the services.xml) for artists / albums / tracks.
* New 'Tango' compatible icons
* Many bug fixes and visual enhancements

Detailed Change Log since v0.91(a)

+ Import/Export added for Virtual Track Collections
* GUI enhancments in History Dialog / Collections Dialog
* Better UI drag-drop support
* Minor changes in the Information GUI
* Some more untranslatable strings were corrected
* Changes to support better the new "Japanese" translation (you need to "install files for East Asian Languages" (Control Panel/Regional/Languages) to see this)
* A new photo in the "Empty Database" Dialog
* Update single collection is working again
* BugFixed 2 cases where TS/C could crash in "Update Collections"
+ Testing Implementation of virtual tracks (eg YouTube videos added by right clicking on artists)
* Artist Picture show when album picture is not available
* Quicker code in Playlist additions
* Added ctrl+A (Select All) & ctrl+I (Invert Selection)
* Fix on filenames with '%'. (on collection update)
* Changes in the look of some Properties windows
+ See the most serious program actions (Warnings-File Operations-Downloads), using the application log. (DblClick in status bar)
* Tagging support for filnames in Unicode fixed
* Edition of Artist Name have been removed from Album Properties (Confusing for the user)
* BugFix in "only one-instance" code
* Fixed the behaviour of many search queries (Rewritten some code)
+ Drop implemented in Tree View (Tag tracks if tagging is enabled)
* m4a basic support added (can be added in the db through the filename parser)
* Correction for international characters in lyrics downloading
* BugFix in a strange effect in playList (black bars). Also Active Track correctly stays visible
* Locate Items In Collection/Artists Mode
* BugFix in Locate Track while quick searching
* BugFix in writting id3v2 comments/lyrics/TrackNumbers
* BugFix when tagging International characters (at least Greek) (This was serious)
* Improved the way of reading/writing tags. There should be a lot of performance increase in these operations
* Added icons in services
* FreeCoversDownloading is working again. Not the best quality though (about 400x400)###Update### the site changed again ==> stopped working)
* Grouping of artists now works only in Artists/Albums mode (BugFix)
* Play/Pause Icon now changes correctly (BugFix)
* XML Parser changed
+ Added Web Services (Google - YouTube - Wikipedia more if you modify the services.xml).
You can find these services in the 'services' submenu of the context menu in TreeView/ListView
* Fixed Bug when dropping a folder in the Player List (BugFix)
* TS will not affect "Wave Volume" anymore
* Quicksearch now has a delay for keystrokes
* Quicksearch now searches for Path also (BugFix)
* New Icons based on Tango
* 'folder' added to the album picture finder

March 06, 2007

0.91b beta1 (611)

A new beta is out. Check here for more info.

February 08, 2007

Road to 0.91b

Some raw data of my programmers log...

(070207)* Improved the way of reading/writing tags. There should be a lot of performance increase in these operations
(070207)* Added icons in services
(060207)* FreeCoversDownloading is working again. Not the best quality though (about 400x400)
(060207)* Grouping of artists now works only in Artists/Albums mode (BugFix)
(060207)* Play/Pause Icon now changes correctly (BugFix)
(060207)* XML Parser changed
(050207)+ Added Web Services (Google - YouTube - Wikipedia more if you modify the services.xml).
You can find these services in the 'services' submenu of the context menu in TreeView/ListView
(300107)* Fixed Bug when dropping a folder in the Player List (BugFix)
(290107)* TS will not affect "Wave Volume" anymore
(240107)* Quicksearch now has a delay for keystrokes
(240107)* Quicksearch now searches for Path also (BugFix)
(240107)* New Icons based on Tango
(210107)* 'folder' added to the album picture finder
TS/C Screenshot with the new Tango Icons

Estimated TimeToRelease .. a week

January 23, 2007

Plugin Infastracture

In November it was Google who changed his site a bit and the result was that Lyrics couldn't be downloaded. Then I ve found out that freecovers needed login to download pictures and the Hi-Res downloading module could not work. (It can' t even now (TS/C v0.91) work).
I know that this is a fight i m gonna loose someday so i m building a new plugin architecture specially for downloading information.
Yesterday I ve transformed the GoogleLyrics Information Provider to work in my new interface (as an internal plugin) but it will be easily updated with an external dll.
I ve also built a new Hi-Res Covers plugin using the search engine. It is very easy and i m planning to release the source code of it as an example of how to build such a plugin.
(cdcoversinfoprovider plugin in action)

I m expecting Amazon plugins, Wikipedia plugins, localized lyrics plugins to appear sometime.

1. Programming code follows.
2. The framework is under construction

The Interface that must be implemented is (currently):

class InfoProvider
//An Info Provider May Support more that one service
virtual BOOL Init(CNetDownloader* pDownloader) = 0;
virtual BOOL CanHandle(ITEM_INFO_TYPE iit) = 0;
virtual BOOL RetrieveInfo(ITEM_INFO_TYPE iit, LPCTSTR JobInfo) = 0;
virtual BOOL GetInfo(ITEM_INFO_TYPE iit, std::tstring& info, std::tstring& source) = 0;
//Returns a const pointer. The user must copy this value immediate after
//receiving. Also this strings belongs to InfoProvider (Client should not try to delete it)
virtual LPCTSTR GetErrorString() = 0;
virtual LPCTSTR GetInfoProviderDetails(InfoProviderDetails ipd) = 0;
//Should be thread safe. Returns 0-100;
virtual UINT GetProgress() = 0;


CNetDownloader is a utility that TS/C Provides for easy & streamlined Web Downloading

January 16, 2007

TeenSpirit (Conium) v0.91.606 (beta)

one more update
- Even more Language Module Fixes (more than 1 lines for each key is now supported)
- Right Click on tree now works better (4th (and final) version of the Notification Framework)
- Edit Lyrics/Comments Fixed (not removing anymore)
- Automatic Update of Treeview while Adding/Updating fixed

Download it here [url][/url]

Probably 2-3 days before the final release..

Today there was the time for a major inside change after even the latest Observer Pattern failed to provide something stable and simple.
I used a technic which i call "Director - Actor". A quick and dirty description of this is the following.
Director is my application object. Actors are his observers. Every object who has access to the application object can now send notifications through director to all the actors. Even objects running on different threads can send messages to the actors and the messages will be delivered in the main thread. It supports two different methods (Send And Post just like windows).
Post Messages are handled through a Hearbeat (My MainDialog calls the 'Heartbeat' function periodically using a timer every 500ms)
PostMessages are thread safe
All Messages from other threads finally become PostMessages

I m so happy that i am even considering to write an article in CodeProject for this.

January 15, 2007

TeenSpirit (Conium) v0.91.605 (beta)

Some fixes during this Sunday.

Update#1 (604)
- TagLib was not working in 603.
- Various fixes in notifications
- Swedish added thanks to XC-SE

Update #2 (605)
- AMG Automatic Downloading fixed
- Edit Tags (track Properties) fixed
- "Windows Classic Style" redraw bug fixed

Download it here

January 14, 2007

TeenSpirit (Conium) v0.91.603 (beta)

I will never going to do such drastic changes all together in this project!
There were so many changes without clear scheduling and without the needed time to make them happen in time.
From November Lyrics stopped working (see the associated post) and i couldn't have a proper version to release..
Anyway now i ve got this one out as 'beta'
New (Visible) Features.
- new engine based on directshow and bass. (got rid the WMP engine) (in this version it supports mp3, ogg, mpc, avi, mpg, and much more)
- new Tag engine based on TagLib (with wma,mp3,ogg,mpc & more) support (got rid the id3lib)
- new Visualization Engine based on various sources. In this version a winamp avs plugin is present. Check it out. (also a native vis plugin is active in Quiz Dialog) (got rid the WMP Engine again)
- new Multi language Engine. (No need to compile the resources anymore and everyone can make & test his own Language Pack). Also there is no need to restart the app when changing the language.
- Docked/Undocked/Full Screen Visualization (or Video) Mode
- Faded Info View
and much more that i don't remember

Download it
