April 10, 2007

Cease and Desist Order

Dear Mr. Oikonomou:
Please find attached an order of Cease and Desist requiring you to stop incorporating the copyright protected AMG Data into your software Teen Spirit.
This notice has been sent by email and post.
Lisa Powell
Lisa E. Powell
All Media Guide, LLC
1168 Oak Valley Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108


Dimitrion said...

What does this mean??

Unknown said...

It means you need to stop stealing other peoples stuff

Alex said...

It means that in the next version (0.92) information will not be downloaded automatically from AMG anymore.
Spidey i don't feel like i was stealing. TS did a query in their public web server, filtered the results and saving them in the users storage (like an offline browser actually). Moreover i haven't got a penny for that.

MisterB said...

Sometimes all it takes is to not remove the copyright notice, and they won't mind. However, your program might generate more traffic for their site than they would want to "give away", so they might want to charge you for using their work. Hard to say--you'd have to ask them (or should have asked them before doing it). Like you said, there are other places to get some, or all, of the info.

Tony said...

did you have permision to use said program? If not you were stealing information.

fabio said...

Maybe means that you cannot use the name in the menu... You could avoid the name... but you could use a web server.... it is public...